God wants Help

In Genesis 1, God (a perfect community) productively created a community to creatively produce offspring that would fill the earth and be productive (subdue it). To protect them from pride, He gave them a day of rest. That is a day when they stopped working and took the time to fellowship with their Creator. Thus, they remembered that theirs was not a work done in isolation but in partnership with their Creator. Unfortunately, they were rather quick to forget the lesson of the Sabbath and chose to spurn their Creator.God, however, didn’t spurn them. He was creative in reaching out to redeem them. Humanity was infected with sin but was not beyond hope – the original software remained albeit bugged by sin. Our drive to be creatively productive was alive but malfunctioning so God instituted some emergency measures. Humanity had rejected the Ultimate Source and so would inevitably turn to “superficial” sources. The man had come from the soil and would draw his sense of being from the ground while the woman would try to fill her inner vacuum by turning to her husband. God intervened. Continue reading